What Every Photographer Must Know: How to Grow a Photography Business

Your skills in photography can get you the audience you need. However, it won’t be enough to expand your business.

In order for your business to grow, aside from improving your photography skills, you need to learn how to build your business.

How to establish a successful photography business

1. Identify the kind of business you want to establish

 Creating a business always starts with establishing a brand. What do you want to do? What do you want to sell? Start with answering these questions.

different types of photography businesses

There are several types of photography businesses in the market. Before you do anything drastic, you must identify your niche, and define your brand.

Here are a few photography business ideas:

  • Wedding Photography
  • Newborn Photography
  • Fashion Photography
  • Wildlife Photography
  • Food Photography
  • Travel Photography
  • Commercial Photography (for ads)

2. Learn the ropes of running a business

When you’re making a business out of your craft, you will eventually find yourself doing tasks that are not in your skill set.

how to start a photography business

Setting up a photography business is no different. If you want to establish a profitable business, you need to keep up with your rivals. Learn a tip or two, so you can get the most out of the time and effort that you are exerting.

You need to learn how to be a businessman (or businesswoman) because you will have to build your brand and market it to your audience. Of course, you need to use the latest and most effective strategies in the market to be a competitive force. So, read as much as you can, and draft a plan that you can execute.

3. Exhibit your work

A blog is a great way to show off your skills. You can use it to host a photo gallery which your audience can use to view your work. And, you can use it to gain a following. Take it from Scott Bourne, founder of Photofocus. Photographers turn to him for help.

how to create photography blogs

Photofocus helps veteran and aspiring photographers improve their platform. You can gain a loyal audience by providing them with what they need most – information.

Photofocus has been in the industry for quite some time now, so it’s no surprise that it’s run by skilled writers and photographers. Don’t worry though. It doesn’t take an army to run a blog. It only takes one vision and mission which you need to embody in every single one of your posts.

4. Have a strong social media presence

With millions of people spending a good deal of their time on social media, you should seize the opportunity to use various platforms – Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. – to reach them.

how to market your brand on social media

People love browsing photos! It gives their minds a little break from their daily struggles. It whisks them away from all the mundane day-to-day activities they eventually have to face. That is why Instagram and Pinterest are popular. So, don’t take these social media platforms for granted. Show them what you can do!

Thank goodness we’ve got a Pinterest Guide designed for you! Follow these steps, and grow your following. Follow this guide if you want to know how to optimize your efforts on Pinterest!

5. Publish a photo book

publish photo books for your business

Coffee table photo books are well-loved by cafes, hotels, clinics, etc. Photo books are for the refreshment and entertainment of their customers. You won’t only get to earn extra from their purchases, you get to expand your reach. Dozens of prospective customers walk through their doors every day. If they’re impressed, they will hire you for your skills.

6. Build relationships with fellow photographers

Your fellow photographers can help you expand your business. Take Simon Roberts as an example.

why photographers need to publish a photo book
Photo source: simoncroberts

He posts his book hauls on his site. With your name and book broadcasted to his loyal following, you will lure in curious photography enthusiasts.

The same goes for social media, if another photographer pins, tweets or shares your work, it will be made available to a number of people that you weren’t able to reach.

7. Improve your skills

Starting a photo business means you have acquired the skills that can provide an audience with what they need. In turn, you earn profit. Knowing the basic rules, and the well-loved photography techniques can spare your business from sinking.

how to improve your photography skills

But if you want your business to bloom, always strive to develop your photography skills. Accept the fact that there’s room for change. Open yourself to new ideas, and practice.

P.S Whether you’re an amateur photographer who is still learning how to get into the field of photography, or you’re a veteran photographer trying to improve your trade, publishing a photo book is always a great business idea. It’s a great way to track your progress and to fund your business exploits.


  1. Hi Sarah, some really great stuff here. Got to say that I really like the photo book idea. It’s not one of those things that you typically hear about to grow your business but if you do a good job i think it could really make a big impact!


    • Hi Ralph, we have to work hard nowdays, especially in the photography world. Social media plays a big impact in promoting your work. I am glad that my post helped you somehow. I am very sorry for my late reply been busy working:)


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